A 13-year-old boy was raped inside mosque in Sanghar, and cleric Khalid Mughari has been convicted in connection with the incident. The investigation has established that Mughari was involved in the rape. After completing a two-day physical remand, the accused, Maulvi Mughari who is facing charges, was brought before the Magistrate’s court. The court then ordered that the accused be sent to jail on judicial remand.
15-Year-Old Hindu Girl Converted After Abduction
Khalid Mughari has been convicted in connection with the incident. The investigation has established that Mughari
A week earlier, the 13-year-old boy has been raped inside a mosque in Shahdadpur, a small city in Sanghar. The boy’s mother had gone to the police station and file a First Information Report (FIR) against Maulvi Mughari.
15-Year-Old Hindu Girl Converted After Abduction
Kajool Meghwar, a girl aged 15 and a few months, was abducted on December 2Kajool Meghwar, a girl aged 15 and a few months, was abducted on December 2
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