Code of Ethics

We strive to report the truth through and provide context and insight through informative opinions. People working for or contributing to The Rise News should:

Republication Rights

The Rise News allows you to republish our material, but you must give explicit credit to the authors and TRN and add links to the original articles, photos, or video. If you submit material from a third party, first ask permission of the owner of the material.

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The Rise Newsletter keeps you updated about news and stories by email. The Rise News will not share your email address with anyone outside our organization. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter when you want; just follow the instructions on each newsletter.

Comment Policy

We appreciate your valuable comments on our stories, but before commenting, please review our comment policy. If your comments do not follow them, they will be deleted:

if we deny publishing your comment, you can write to us at to receive an explanation.

Submission Policy

The Rise News believes in providing a platform for independent voices. The Rise News encourages you to share your opinions if they follow our ethical guidelines. We expect your commentary will protect people’s privacy. You are responsible for all information you provide.
We do not accept biased, offensive or irrelevant material.

Note: Your email or phone number will never be shared with third-party; it will remain confidential to The Rise News unless you give is explicit permission us to use your email contact in your piece.