Karachi: After disappearing from her home, a minor girl named Neena converted to Islam and married off to Mehdi Hassan. A minor girl named Neena is of...
Benazirabad: Sohana Sharma Kumari, 14, has stated statement in favor of her parents that she wanted to go with her parents. However, the judge made an...
Tando Allahyar: On May 25, 2023, Raveena Meghwar, aged 15, was abducted from the town of Chambar, District Tando Allahyar, Sindh. Raveena had been mar...
Benazirabad: Sohana Sharma Kumari was kidnapped from her home in front of her mother from Qazi Abad, District Benazirabad in the first week of June 20...
Hindu girl Haseena Oad, 14, was abducted and converted to Islam from Umarkot, Sindh. The girl was abducted at Pir Sarhandi shrine in May 2023; she was...
Sindhi Hindus carried 15 points to the Sindh government to ensure the protection of Hindus in the province. On March 30, 2023, Pakistan Darawar Itehad...