Have you ever asked a question to yourself on why Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan’s issues are being neglected? Why? The three provinces have been complaining of discrimination for decades. The state and its majority that control from decision-making process to national media that do not represent issues, fairly. For instance, Sindh whose problems mostly manipulated on the media.
Recently, Sindh has started discussing the State’s refugee policy. It is very imperative to know about why Sindh complains of it.
Well, I discuss refugees and illegal immigrants, later, first: how Sindh’s concern at refugee, has been misunderstood. Issue arose when local reporters identified on ethnic group “Pathan” for having ascertained group. Meanwhile, some got offended at Pathan and some appeared criticizing why refugees were quoted.
Historical place Gujrati school was encroached. Sindh government declared it as heritage. It was such a shocking; now, historical places are not safe. I make a point clear that “Pathan” word did not use to hurt ‘Pashtun Nation’ (as we quite understand that they are being victimized by the state’s policies so are Sindhis and Baloch.)
I was astonished by receiving offensive messages and attacks on social media — what I found that none of them condemned the incident. Despite clarifying the reason about why ethnic name written. Of course, no ethnic group should be targeted or mentioned in the media.
Here, discussing the behavior of majority which sweeps aside issues that when we discuss hard issues and unpopular facts of the provinces Sindh and Balochistan, being named “Agent and Sindh/Baloch Nationalist.” Now, people use word “Racist,”
By sharing and explaining issues through injured history, it turns out to be Nationalist, and Racist. People should give a thought to voices, instead.
I remember one of persons who had been discouraged and told me, he/she was afraid of speaking the truth and expressing his/her opinion — because being called “Nationalist” or “Racist.” People hardly understand pain of being silenced, and they won’t be able to understand the issues of the both provinces.
If speaking unpopular facts, and problems being called racist and nationalist. Then, let me apprise you with the fact that one of English outlets published article in which written, “Dogs [referring Baloch Sardars and Sindhi Waderas] come to Karachi.” How the media described it “Dogs.” Show me, how many TV channels condemned it? Why only column, “National TV Media and including syllabus use hatred language against Sindhis, Baloch, and Pashtuns.
Reaction: the majority is silent.
In this suffocated atmosphere when Sindhis and Baloch utter words are pushed to the wall. Pakistan’s majority issue is, do not understand issues of Sindh and Balochistan or they know, not to want to discuss.
Refugees & Illegal immigrant issues: why Sindh & Balochistan have reservation
Why I decided to pen the issue of refugees and illegal immigrant in Sindh and Balochistan, of which has been misunderstood by the majority. Everyone sees issues through his/her lens. I understand that some do not go through issue in the light of history.
Unless you know the historical background, you won’t be able to understand the present situation. Thus, Sindh and Balochistan have reservation over state refugee’s policy. It doesn’t mean that those have reservations, are against refugees. No. Never. Instead, it should be understood; why they have reservations.
I always say that person who herself/himself being homeless or are made refugees on their own land, can feel anguish of refugees. And, Sindhi, Baloch, and Siraiki can feel — the sorrow of mother who seeks shelter for their children, was thrown out of her house due to dishonest policies of the state.
The province, Sindh has been sheltering refugees for decades. Sindh has had been betrayed by Centre since creation of Pakistan. Unfortunately, Media and authors do not spell out facts. None of them will encapsulate facts about Sindhis who have been denied their rights. Thus, when Sindhis speak, it makes them uncomfortable.
Sindh knows how Sindhis are being turned into minority and the province demography is being changed. It happens because the state applies its policy to the provinces and the state knows no one will criticize it as using refugees to shelter its unjust agenda.
Nevertheless, question should be asked if the state is really worried about refugees, then this share should be shared among all provinces, equally. Why the state sends to provinces Sindh and Balochistan including illegal immigrants. It shows the state has a plan to change the demography. On the other hand, the state does not bother to think about locals who have been displaced due to the sea that submerged the lands. the media and activists do not discuss it.
A citizen who lives in Thatta asked: “the state is keen interested in settling refugees in our districts – what about us who had been displaced?”
Citizens who want to solve the problems and help refugees. They should understand issues of locals. Otherwise, you cannot solve issues by neglecting locals’ voices. Thus, it is important to ask the state why it exploits refugees to fulfil its unjust agenda. It would be a long array of injustice if we didn’t listen to the concerns of Sindh and Balochistan. If we do not discuss the problems then we will neither help refugees, not will help the locals.
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