In 8 days three Hindu girls abducted and forcefully converted to Islam; another girl murdered

Sindh province has reported more forced conversion cases and another case of murder over refusing conversion. In 8 days, three Hindu girls have been married to men after conversion and another girl whose name was Pooja Kumari was brutally murdered because he refused to convert to Islam.

Satran Oad belonged to Umer (Amar) Kot, Sindh. She was abducted on 23 March 2022 from village Pathero, Umer (Amar) Kot. She was washing clothes when alleged Umer Mangario abducted her. Parents approached local police and demanded that their daughter should be recovered, immediately.

Meanwhile, Umar Mangario’s relative was seen hearing on WhatsApp message that his family was trying to return girl to parents and requested parents – including social activists: to not highlight the case. (The Rise News cannot verify messages on WhatsApp)

The police failed to recover Satran and she appeared in Punjab province where she was married to man and converted to Islam.

Not only Satran, Kaveeta Bheel, and Aneeta were abducted after conversion, too. All girls are minor but after conversion; girls turn to be age of 18 or 25.

Kaveeta Bheel’s conversion certificate of which states age of Kaveeta as 25-year-old.
Whereas parents say: she is 15 years old.

In Hindu girls’ cases, the police seldom recover Hindu girls when they get abducted. The police did not recover Satran, nor recovered Kaveeta, and Aneeta. The police allegedly told the victim’s families that they should resolve the matter with local traditions and parents who are not in a position to fight the case; they trust local police, but girls do not get returned.

Hindu girls’ abduction and conversion are labelled as love affair – fact is minor girls are regularly abducted after conversion – many cases go unreported.

Pooja Kumari would have been the same story of three girls Satran, Kaveeta, and Aneeta. Pooja resisted and refused to convert to Islam. Wahid Bux Lashari broke into her house and asked to marry to him after conversion. When Wahid Bux found that, she would not accept it then he opened fires on Pooja kumari.

However, Sindh government promised to do justice to Pooja Kumari case, but the same government remains silent on three minor Hindu girls who were married to men after being converted to Islam.

The provincial government legislated a bill on Child Marriage Restraint Act under the act of child marriage being a crime then; why the same law does not protect minor Hindu girls.

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In 8 days three Hindu girls abducted and forcefully converted to Islam; another girl murdered

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