Lyari – Hindu labours did not collect ration because they were denied because of Hindus.
Sindh government issued order to distribute ration during lockdown through local NGOs and administration to daily wage workers and labours.
“They asked us, not to queue. We did leave queue and thought that they may give us, later. But, when they distributed ration to others and did not give us,” woman labour shares “We inquired why we were not given ration. They looked at us and said to us that this ration is only for Muslims, not for Hindus.”
Read More: No foodstuff in other cities by Sindh government but Dargah still opens
Ration was distributed by Saylani Welfare Trust in Lyari Town, Karachi, Sindh.
Veerag Mehshwari who is activist in Lyari narrated that Mehshwari community’s people came to Karachi for work and were laborers and sweepers. Due to lockdown, they could not go back to their homes and had to stay, here.
When Sindh government announced ration to be distributed among laborers and people tried to phone organization that was assigned to distribute foodstuff. Organization did not respond to their calls when they showed their identity as Hindu – adding –their people decided to go to head office welfare Trust where ration was distributed.
“They asked us show them Identity Card of which showing village address. They said; ration was only for Karachi citizens. Due to lockdown, how we can go to our homes?” asked Veerag Mehshwari
He further added that Ration was distributed by Sindh government for everyone – it did not matter where you lived in province.
Nonetheless, he contacted to local member of UC and complained of being discriminated but he did not help and told them that they were not voters. “I have voted, twice in Karachi,” he says.
His wife whose name was Najma Mehshwari [her parents named her Muslim name] said that they were poor and majority of laborers who lived across Lyari, had no meal. They had been sending requesting to others if they could help them.
“When world is united and fights against Coronovirus – our citizens having been discriminated because they are Hindus,” Najma asks “I am worried that tomorrow, how laborers and their children live if they will not receive food.”
Raj Kumar who is activist says that “Just imagine – if vaccine being developed by Non-Muslims, would Saylani workers receive the vaccination or refuse it?”
He said that our meal is named Muslim and Non-Muslim. It happened because of two-nation theory and some minds still considered Hindu as an enemy.
Sindh energy minister Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh who heads a committee of relief work has completely condemned it and said that they would send ration to them, soon. “This is unacceptable – how some can distribute ration for Muslim and not for Non-Muslim.”
Veerag asks “Hindu politicians should come, and help us or people who can afford to feed our children. Everyone is laborer and they do not have food.”
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