The Rise News is the realization of a dream: a website that gives a voice to voiceless people in Sindh province, Pakistan. The careful examination of problems and actions from multiple perspectives can bring positive change, and revealing the truth shows us the reality about the critical issues we all face. [For instance, discrimination against minorities, inequalities, pollution, unfair distribution of resources, women’s rights, and corruption].
The Rise News will inform citizens with fact-based, objective news and thoughtful commentary that will empower them to understand these important issues, and this knowledge can impact policy and strengthen our democracy.
The Rise News is non-profit news organization and we will not accept advertisements from the government or money from businesses or individuals motivated to influence our independent coverage of issues. We believe in an independent editorial policy and fair journalism. We will seek financial assistance from readers — your support can help us to introduce independent voices through good journalism.
We can make this dream a success story: The Rise News, the first non-profit digital news outlet in Sindh, Pakistan, launched by a female journalist and published in Sindhi and English in Sindh province.
Sections of our website include News, Features, Editorials, Human Rights, Conversations, Voices, The page, and Readers Blog.
We promise to be responsible advocates for human rights. We promise to seek the truth through our stories.
This project began two years ago. There have been many difficulties we had to overcome; they persist to this day and will of course continue. But we shall never give up. We face storms and look at them with a different lens in order to not only survive, but thrive.
Your support will help us strengthen The Rise News. Please look through our website,
Thank you
— Veengas